Friday, June 25, 2021

Strong !

She had assumed good intent,
And wished for a blissful co-existence. 
And yet, here she was, grappling with how people are so double faced, 
Quick to judge, to dismiss and to violate, at the first opportunity. 

She zoned in and out of every conversation,
Did her judgement err again ?
She questioned herself,
Her mind was conflicted..
How could a person pretend to be so evolved, 
When they are actually stuck in stone age ?

Imagine this - 
At the mention of an issue and demand for transparency, 
from bringing flowers and wanting to speak to an expert, 
To mud slinging and accusing of mental instability.  

Imagine this -
A display of gung-ho enthusiasm for a vacation funded by her, 
And a cry of unaffordability for an attempt to save the relationship ?

Imagine this - 
Making tall claims about being a travel junkie,
And failing to make a single trip beyond (or even within) city limits ? 

Being a woman in this country, 
esp the north, is a nightmare. 
Being an independent woman with a voice and an intellect, 
Well, intimidating for the men here (that explains the no holds barred attack).

These men quickly suggest taking away cellphones from us women, 
I mean laughable in 2021, but this is the sad reality,
And clearly, an age old tactic to take away social support, 
Because they think our souls will break and weaken in isolation. 

She came to terms with the fact that she had been abandoned rather quickly. 
What if this was to happen in a foreign land.
Well, she knew she would have been kick-ass even then,
It would have just caused some unnecessary cargo movements. 

That she will live through this traumatic experience, 
wasn't something she imagined. 
Not after all these years! 

Grateful for her safe space,
Sitting here, she thought to herself -
How privileged she was, thinking of what would have happened if she was to be in a remote village.. 
She prayed for the women there and hoped for the best for them. 

Thankful that the insanity that had taken over her life had passed, 
Peace had been restored.
What's more - she felt whole!
Right where she was, with who she was, 
And she knew now, more than ever before,
Those who fly solo, have the strongest wings. 

- This one is for strong women - may we know them, may we be them and may we raise them!

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